
Emanuell Charis - a brillant clairvoyant of our time

"My inner motivation is to always deliver more, than my clients expect from me." This is not only true in its content, but it is the one motto that clairvoyant Emanuell Charis follows in his life. Charis is a very sympathetic man with a warm smile and clear eyes. He much more, than his looks reveal. Meeting him, you would not expect to meet a future-predictor or smoke-reader. Charis looks more like your sympathetic neighbor or a serious businessman. Emanuell Charis does not need the spooky aura of mystery around him. He simply lives up to his many abilities.

From childhood to a career as a clairvoyant
Emanuell Charis lived in Athens when he was a child and a teenager. Even at that time, he sensed somehow that had some extraordinary abilities. His abilities often surprised Family members and people around him. Even as a small child, Charis experienced visions. At times, he revealed emotions that were contrary to his insights. It took some time, until Charis was able to understand himself. The young man had to manage his unusual talents and premonitions. In his later teens, Emanuell Charis realized that his abilities were promising. They would become an important part of his personality. He allowed them to enrich his inner world. His talents also had the potential to enrich others.

Later in life, Emanuell Charis settled in Germany. Nowadays, he lives in Düsseldorf, where his center of life is. With more than twenty years of experience in the background, and thousands of people from many countries, who experienced the positive impact of consulting the sympathetic life-coach and future-predictor, Emanuell Charis developed a spiritual profile that fits him well. The evidence for his successful working can be found in letters from various people, who achieved whatever they dreamt of. Charis uses the “Energy of Success” to get you where you want to be.

Emanuell Charis - the man behind the smile
Emanuell Charis is a successful life-coach as well as a philosopher. He is a gifted clairvoyant as much as a future-predictor. His seminars are sought after. They are highly frequented by international clients. Charis talks about the "Energy of Success" with the same interest and dedication, as he cares for those, who are under a curse, or were bewitched by Black or White Magic. Even Voodoo Magic is no strange issue for Charis, as he is open for many negative influences in life. Charis deals with whatever comes his way - and he does this with a lot of dedication, a strong motivation and the knowledge, that he is able to help.

Emanuell Charis seems to be a modern magician. He is able to push the boundaries of what seems to be possible. Charis gives people in despair a new impulse. He charges the inner batteries of his clients with positive energy. He adjusts their abilities and motivations in direction of success.

When you read the comments former clients of Emanuell Charis left in the internet, you cannot doubts his unusual, at the same time very serious abilities. In numerous reviews of people whom Charis has helped in the past, you find that they were able to find more happiness and contentment in their lives. Some were able to restore their health or their financial situation. For some of his clients, unfulfilled dreams came true after they consulted Emanuell Charis as a clairvoyant.

Among his clients you find well-known politicians as well as serious businessmen, successful journalists as well as engaged police officers, or people of any other profession. Sometimes in life, almost anyone needs support and help.

Emanuell Charis and the issue of Clairvoyance
Clairvoyants might have had a somewhat doubtful image in the past. When it comes to Emanuell Charis, you do not doubt that this man is someone, who is serious and unusually gifted at the same time. Charis assures his clients that clairvoyance is able to settle almost everything in their business matters or personal life. You just need to find the right method to restore love relationships, to find better financial opportunities to build your career, to risk a marriage against odds, to get rid of a curse of Black Magic, or to find back to someone who was lost for you.

Many people know about similar difficulties. We all experience crisis-situations in life. These often seem to be too overwhelming or complicated to get solved. Sometimes people are stuck in a conflict situation. There often seems to be no way out, except if some beloved people might get hurt. Often enough, we are blinded for the most obvious solution, when we are in conflict with facts or feelings. We tend to fear the consequences of our decisions.

Many people are afraid to change their circumstances. They refuse to give away things that became superfluous. They stick to suffocating relationships because they feel as if these are indispensable or irreplaceable. At the same time, a critical situation can be very toxic and incriminating. Being stuck, often proves to be a hindrance for any development. Even toxic relationships or suffocating circumstances do not lead to a healthy decision in situations like these. What's lacking, is clairvoyance and mental freedom.

When Emanuell Charis brings these clients in contact with the creative "Energy of Success" in one of his sessions, the clients feel able to manage whatever problem or difficulties appeared in their lives.

Emanuell Charis and his seminars
Emanuell Charis is a wanted speaker and a profiled seminar leader. His master-classes about "The Philosophy of Success" or his seminars about "Spiritual Levels" are praised by many people who already booked them.

In his consultations with directors and leaders of Management Departments, or in his sessions with financial investors, Charis uses all his abilities to give his clients a positive and helpful impulse. What professional clients need and expect, is to come to more successful business decisions, even in difficult times or during conflicts with their superiors. If success is not the result after a consultation with the brilliant clairvoyant, philosopher and life coach, managers and businessmen certainly would not consult Emanuell Charis for a second time.

With the given results, it is no wonder, Charis is widely known in business or political contexts. His political predictions come true most of the time. His advice and his predictions for wiser investments or innovative funds have been very successful. The simple philosophy of Emanuell Charis is: All human beings are born into this world to stay healthy, be successful, feel loved and end up being happy. If these elementary needs are not granted in the life of his clients, the persons opposite of him need a strong and helpful supporter.

The spiritual experience of Emanuell Charis
There was a time when Emanuel Charis realized: The ability to see into the future, the gift to predict and change events, is not only a God-given gift. It is also a heavy burden and includes a huge responsibility. To bear this weight, Charis decided to visit well-known places of spiritual power.

Thus, Charis began to visit holy places for inspiration. He met with important spiritual teachers of our time. These encounters and experiences lead to the realization that he would only use his divine or magic powers in the positive way: to help and support people who would come to him for advice, for better health, for more happiness and deeper love, to improve their luck and find success in business matters or in their private lives. To help his clients under any circumstance, that is the most important credo of Emanuel Charis.
