The supernatural power and gift of clairvoyance. Medium Emanuell Charis

The psychic power and gift of clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is an ability.

 Clairvoyance describes the ability to perceive things beyond time and space and thus to predict the future.

By illuminating life, the past, the present and the future, situations can be better assessed, people can be tracked down, lost things can be found, secrets can be uncovered and events can be seen.


 It is a paranormal gift as well as an experience, independent of science, which deals with the events and the corresponding evidence. The parapsychological PSi phenomenon, with the anomaly that even scientific anomalistics cannot explain. Many prophecies seem to be true, that is certain, as is the fact that some people can foresee the future. Nevertheless, the question arises as to how this is possible.


 Science cannot answer this question and shifts the subject with the terms. Supernatural, Anomaly, Supranatural, Paranormal, Transcendence and PSi Phenomenon out, the physicist William Roger Corliss would say.



 The word anomaly is derived from the Greek anomalia and stands for deviation from the normal, from usual structures or from the rule and describes irregularity and unevenness.



 The term supra naturalism comes from Latin and means supernatural. The world view includes the supernatural. Supranaturalistic or the supernatural entities, for example souls or gods, are said to underlie the empirically investigable and thus the falsifiable world.



 The word paranormal the something of normality. The term is often used in German colloquial language as a synonym for supernatural for phenomena which, in the eyes of the word user, cannot be explained scientifically. For example, paranormal phenomena allow people to sense misfortune and deceased people.



 There are several definitions for the term transcendence. The general definition can be seen both as a process of transcending, in which a human being succeeds in recognising and going beyond the limits of his or her ability, and also as reaching into realms beyond the human ability to recognise, which can be experienced by the human being.


PSi phenomenon

 This term from parapsychology describes various psychic and hypothetical abilities. These include: extrasensory perceptions and abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, seeing the future, and telekinesis, with which objects can be moved by spiritual forces.

Existence and gift of clairvoyance

 Shakespeare once quoted that there are more things between earth and heaven. Through visions or clairvoyance, the prophecy of events and experiences succeeds in psychic and paranormal ways.


The question of whether all mens can be clairvoyant or clairsentient is answered by real results of scientific experiments under real conditions with realistic results.

Only a few people have the gift to practice clairvoyance reliably, precisely and seriously.

Determination of the subject area

Many people do not believe that fortune tellers or psychics can see into the future and thus predict it. Psychology says that the questions from interested people about the topics usually come from the areas of health, love, profession and society. Fortune tellers or clairvoyants first hint at these topics and then illuminate the area on the basis of the statements and reactions so that the corresponding area can subsequently be narrowed down.

In psychology, this method is called calibration. The question arises whether calibration can explain why psychics can predict the future almost accurately. This is with the knowledge that successful prediction or prophecy is possible neither with calibration nor with psychological tricks.

How can it be explained when a clairvoyant prophesies that someone will marry, have twins and own a home in a certain period of time. If all this information comes true, it cannot be a coincidence.

Predictions are the everyday life of a psychicand in that sense nothing special.

The question remains how this is possible. It makes no sense to endlessly burden the mind with difficult to understand and complicated spiritual, esoteric and religious philosophies, which at the end of the day can only be accepted as guesses.

An example of this:

When we look up at the sky late at night and see the stars, which are far away, we realise how small they are, how small the earth is and how gigantic the empty space between the stars and the earth is.

With this example, some questions come to the fore:

Is the space between the universe and the stars effectively empty?

Does the emptiness of the universe hide all its substance, hidden from our eyes, the gigantic powers of which we cannot even imagine in our dreams?

Physics as well as quantum physics are of the opinion that a space which is empty to the eye is not really empty.


Between heaven and earth, the stars and the eyes, forces exist that we could not even see in our dreams.

even in dreams. This is for the simple reason that the universe is far too big for us to see.

too big for us to understand or to be omniscient, which includes clairvoyance.

clairvoyance. A mysterious gift and power between heaven and

Earth that we only notice and suspect through experience but is mostly hidden to our sense organs.


